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Being a filmmaker is a passion for me. It grew more and more during my years of traveling around the world but it is something that started quite early in my life when my uncle gave me his old camera in my 18's.
I love to capture the beauty of the world, the soul in an eye. Film making has taught me how to watch small things that the eye only can't see. It forces you to slow down, to run for the golden hour of a sunset, to wake up at night to do a timelapse of a sunrise.
The camera teaches you where to look at.
The videos of "Travelinmelody" are all the films i made during my travels around the world as well as the serie "100 Noms" .
You will also find some live videos, some music clips that i made and a few short movies & documentaries as well as "Blue", "The Seed", "Echoes of Hope".
I hope that you will enjoy watching my videos as much as i enjoyed filming them.
The craziest edit i ever done!
This video is made using some original footages of the great JABBAWOCKEEZ and STRAWHATZ.
I do not own those, but I admire their work and their dance was just so perfect with our music that we had to try something artistic to maybe get their attention and well...
It fits perfectly to our music!
For sure my most intime film
I guess that if you wanna know more about me, you should just sit down, put your earphones and enjoy the story.
I spent 7 years on the road, from Asia to Latin America, Africa. And all those years, I documented my travels and the amazing people and landscapes I've seen.
Gocta waterfall is one of my most shivering memory, but there are much more on my channel.