GOCTA World Beats & WTF finally on stage! It's this month, and it's gonna be firing!
Gocta world beats, WTF Wolf & The Fairies
It's been months, even years since I last updated a blog. Since the Travelinmelody years far too many things have kept me away from social networks and the public at the same time.
Wolf & The Fairies live in POITIERS
We have been working intensely with Joe Escribe for almost 2 years now to finalize our first WTF album (Wolf & The Fairies) and it is with pride and immense joy that we are going to present you a preview of this one (almost in its entirety). !) during our first concert on APRIL 07, 2023 at the V and B in POITIERS (Biard).
GOCTA World Beats au Comptoir O Tapas (La Rochelle)
On APRIL 28, 2023 I will perform with my solo set at Comptoir O Tapas. I finally reveal what I've been cooking for a few months, the fruit of my years of travel and my work as a beatmaker.
One night not to miss!
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